Issue 3
Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
1, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages 5–9
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Preliminary study in range of
prevalence Chlamydia spp. in the Polish cattle population
Szymańska-Czerwińska M., Niemczuk K.
for Serological Diagnosis, Department of Cattle and Sheep Diseases, National
Veterinary Research Institute, Puławy, Poland,
PDF (print version)
Citation for
print version: Szymańska-Czerwińska, M. and Niemczuk,
K. (2015) ‘Preliminary study in range of prevalence Chlamydia spp. in the Polish cattle population’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 1(3), pp. 5–9.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Szymańska-Czerwińska,
M. and Niemczuk, K. (2015) ‘Preliminary study
in range of prevalence Chlamydia spp.
in the Polish cattle population’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety.
[Online] 1(3), pp. 5–9. Available at:
Summary. Chlamydia spp. is an obligate
intracellular agent that causes chlamydiosis in
animals and humans. The aim of the presented study was to investigate the
prevalence of Chlamydia infection in
the Polish cattle population, both asymptomatic and having reproductive
disorders. The study was performed on 900 serum
samples collected from 14 Polish provinces at the turn of 2014–2015. The
samples were tested by complement fixation test (CFT) and ELISA. Moreover, 40 samples of biological
materials from cattle were tested by real time PCR. The study indicates that infections with Chlamydia spp. are present in Polish
cattle. The study demonstrated that average percentage of seropositives
herds is 26.40%. The real-time PCR gave the positive
results for Chlamydiaceae into vaginal swabs in 10
tested herds. Moreover, the molecular studies showed that infection Chlamydia pecorum
and Chlamydia abortus
is more spread than with Chlamydia psittaci.
Keywords: cattle, Chlamydia spp., chlamydiosis,
complement fixation test, ELISA, PCR
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