Issue 3
Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
2, Issue 3, October 2016, Pages 12–18
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
M. E.
Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary
Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Roman’ko, M. E. (2016) ‘Physiological
and biochemical mechanisms of contact interaction of nanoparticles of gold with
Bacillus anthracis vaccine strain Sterne 34F2 cells’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety, 2(3), pp. 12–18.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Roman’ko, M. E. (2016) ‘Physiological
and biochemical mechanisms of contact interaction of nanoparticles of gold with
Bacillus anthracis vaccine strain Sterne 34F2 cells’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety. [Online] 2(3), pp. 12–18. Available at:
Summary. The
article presents the results of experimental studies of mechanisms of Aurum
nanoparticles contact interaction on Bacillus
anthracis vaccine strain. This research was aimed
to study the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of influence of Aurum
nanoparticles (AuNP) on B. anthracis
cells (strain Sterne 34F2 —
productive vaccine strain). The cell cultures biomass of B. anthracis (strain Sterne 34F2)
was used as a model for our experiments. The sterile aqueous dispersion of Aurum nanoparticles with average
size 19.0±0.9 nm and initial concentration of 19.3 μg/cm3
for the metal was used for accumulation of B. anthracis
(strain Sterne 34F2) biomass and
with average size of 30.0±0.6 nm in initial concentration of
38.6 μg/cm3 and 77.2 μg/cm3 by the
metal — in experiments on the study of physiological and biochemical
mechanisms of interaction of cells. The effectiveness of the interaction
of B. anthracis cells (strain Sterne 34F2) with AuNP was evaluated
by a membrane filter method with a followed by determination of optical density
changes of mixture on a spectrophotometer. The value of H+‑ATPase
activity (KF in total membrane fraction (TMF) bacterial cells was recorded by the accumulation of inorganic phosphorus (Pi).
Respiratory activity (RA) of B. anthracis
was measured by oxygen of electrode Clarks type.
Measured parameter was the maximum speed of reducing the concentration of
oxygen in the environment measurement, reduced to a unit of bacterial biomass. According to results of the impact of nanoparticles of Aurum (gold,
AuNP) for basic the physiological and biochemical indicators of B. anthracis cells (strain Sterne 34F2) appeared promising
metal nanoparticles in a concentration range 2.90–8.69 μg/cm3
for metal, as indicated by the presence of ATPase and respiratory activity
stimulation and is consistent with the highest accumulation of cells research
AuNP along with the intensification of proliferative activity of B. anthracis cells. The
mechanisms of gold accumulation in B. anthracis
cells have the metabolism-dependent nature which is characteristic only active
metabolized cells, and desplayed within our experiment involving certain assets
metabolism (determining role of the transmembrane potential and its
generators — ATPase, respiratory activity (RA)) in the overall
regulation of the metabolic system and functional organization (proliferation
activity) of the bacterial cells.
Keywords: Bacillus anthracis, bacterial cell, Aurum (gold) nanoparticles, contact interaction,
proliferative activity of H+‑ATPase activity, respiratory
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