Issue 4
Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
2, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 5–10
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Estimation of inbreeding
depression by CAPN1, CAST, GH,
GHR and CYP3A genes for
quantitative and reproduction traits in SEVEN Aberdeen-Angus lines
Fedota O. M. 1 ,
Ruban S. Yu. 2 ,
Lysenko N. G. 1, *, Goraichuk I. V. 3
, Kolisnyk A. I. 4 , Tyzhnenko
T. V. 1
1 V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv,
Ukraine, e-mail:
2 Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics
nd. a. M. V. Zubets of NAAS, Chubynske,
3 National Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and
Clinical Veterinary Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine
4 PE ‘Agrofirma
Svitanok’, Novoselivka,
* Scientific adviser — Fedota O. M., Dr.
Sci. (Biol.), Prof.
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Fedota, O. M., Ruban, S. Yu., Lysenko, N. G., Goraichuk,
I. V., Kolisnyk, A. I. and Tyzhnenko,
T. V. (2016) ‘Estimation of inbreeding depression by CAPN1,
CAST, GH, GHR and CYP3A genes for quantitative and reproduction traits in
seven Aberdeen-Angus lines’, Journal
for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 2(4),
pp. 5–10.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Fedota, O. M., Ruban, S. Yu., Lysenko, N. G., Goraichuk,
I. V., Kolisnyk, A. I. and Tyzhnenko,
T. V. (2016) ‘Estimation of inbreeding depression by CAPN1,
CAST, GH, GHR and CYP3A genes for quantitative and reproduction traits in
seven Aberdeen-Angus lines’, Journal
for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety.
[Online] 2(4), pp. 5–10. Available at:
Summary. High
level of inbreeding has deleterious effects on animal productive and
reproductive traits. The effect of inbreeding by CAPN316,
CAST282, GH L127V, GHR F279Y,
GHR A257G and CYP3A28 C994G markers on
reproductive characteristics, weight dynamics (0–5 year age) and exterior
traits was studied. Genealogical analysis showed that
population includes seven lines of cattle. For the SNP
genotyping, PCR-RFLP methods were set up. Testing
deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was performed
using Pearson’s chi-squared test. The estimation of inbreeding depression
by FST coefficients for SNPs for traits studied was performed via multiple
regression models with forward stepwise. The tested population was analyzed in Herdy-Weinberg
equilibrium for all SNPs, except GHR
F279Y. Lines Bryalhil Sau and Southome Extra considered
as the best lines showed the lowest level of heterozygosity.
Negative effect of level of inbreeding for different markers were seen for
regression coefficients calf birth weight = –1.08±0.30 (GHR F279Y), body weight at 8
month = –0.71±0.11 (CAPN316),
–0.49±0.11 (GHR F279Y)
and 15 month = –0.54±0.04 (CAST282),
–0.36±0.06 (GHR F279Y).
Increased inbreeding had positive influence on regression coefficients for calf
average daily gain = 0.86±0.26 (GH L127V), weight at 8 and 15 month = 1.43±0.13,
1.05±0.05 (GHR A257G)
and exterior traits — shoulder, back and low back, rump and hindquarter =
1.09±0.11, 0.77±0.22, and 1.10±0.30 (CYP3A28
Keywords: Aberdeen-Angus breed,
inbreeding, SNPs, CAPN316, CAST282, GH L127V, GHR
F279Y, GHR A257G, CYP3A28 C994G
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