Issue 4
Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
2, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 16–19
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Bayeva T. I., Zhegunov
G. F.
Kharkiv State Zooveterinary
Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Bayeva, T. I. and Zhegunov G. F. (2016) ‘Influence of physical and
emotional loadings on dynamics of biochemical indicators of blood serum of race
horses of group of universal use’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 2(4),
pp. 16–19.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Bayeva, T. I. and Zhegunov G. F. (2016) ‘Influence of physical and
emotional loadings on dynamics of biochemical indicators of blood serum of race
horses of group of universal use’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety.
[Online] 2(4), pp. 16–19. Available at:
Summary. The
dates concerning dynamics of level of biochemical indicators of the blood serum
of race horses of group of universal use of the Ukrainian
riding breed are given in the article. Clinically healthy horses were an object
of a research. The samples of blood were taken from
the jugular vein to get serum and for further biochemical research. The blood was taken in the condition of relative rest, immediately
aſter ordinary training and aſter emotional stress during the
entertaining performance with participation of a large number of people and
loud music. In blood serum the following biochemical indicators were
defined: total protein, urea, creatinine, uric acid, total bilirubin and
its fractions, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, Calcium, Iron, lactate,
pyruvate, activity of the ALT, AST, GGT, LDH, ALP. It is established that during training and
psycho-emotional loadings of race horses of the
Ukrainian riding breed multidirectional changes of level of biochemical
indicators in the blood serum were observed that testify the tension of
metabolic processes in the animal organism. Emotional loading is the more
strong stress factor that causes negative changes in the level of metabolic
profile indicators.
Keywords: race
horses, biochemical indicators, blood serum, training, stress
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