Issue 4

Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety

Volume 3, Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 28–30

ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388 (online version)


Danilova І. S., Zavgorodniy А. I.

National Scientific CenterInstitute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

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Citation for print version: Danilova, І. S. and Zavgorodniy, А. I. (2017) ‘Estimation of Mycobacteria resistance to disinfecting preparation’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 3(4), pp. 28–30.

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Citation for online version: Danilova, І. S. and Zavgorodniy, А. I. (2017) ‘Estimation of Mycobacteria resistance to disinfecting preparation’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 3(4), pp. 28–30. Available at:

Summary. Disinfection is the important measure in tuberculosis control systems. It allows preventing further environmental Mycobacteria distribution. The aim of work was to determine the bactericide properties of new disinfectantVirosan Maxon M. fortuitum depending on the solution concentration, time exposure, and bactericidal effect on M. bovis at different test objects. The study was carried out using classical microbiological techniques, reference, and field Mycobacteria strains. Bactericidal properties of disinfectant preparationVirosan Maxwas studied on M. fortuitum depending its solution concentration and exposure. In addition, tuberculocidal effect on M. bovis at different test objects determined. Bactericidal properties of disinfectant preparation with the test culture of atypical Mycobacterium of type М. fortuitum determined a suspension method with application 1.0% and 3.0% water solution for displays 3, 5, and 24 hours. Tuberculocidal property disinfectant preparation with the test culture of М. bovis conducted on contamination objects of (glass, ceramic tile, and wood) tests with the biological loading and application of in 3.0% and 4.0% concentrations of solution for displays 5–24 hours. The bactericidal effect disinfectant preparationVirosan Maxwas determined at presence height colonies Mycobacterium on a dense egg nourishing environment in control test tubes and absence of height initial cultures М. fortuitum, М. bovis in experience test tubes. TheVirosan Maxdisinfectant shows bacteriostatic properties only against atypical mycobacteria М. fortuitum in 1.0% concentrations under 324 hours of exposure, and in concentration 3.0% under 3–5 hours of exposure. PreparationVirosan Maxdemonstrates the bactericide effect on tuberculosis agent of bovine species M. bovis in a 3.0% concentration with 24 hoursexposure and 4.0% concentrations with 5–24 hoursexposure.

Keywords: bactericidal properties, disinfectants, Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacterium fortuitum, test objects


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