Issue 1
Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
4, Issue 1, March 2018, Pages 28–32
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Raksha-Slyusareva O. A. 1, Slyusarev O. A. 1, Tarasova I. A. 2, Boyeva S. S. 1, Ostapenko V. М. 3
1 Donetsk National Medical University of the
Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine,
Kramatorsk, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 SE ‘L. V. Gromashevsky
Institute of Epdemiology and Infectious
of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
3 LLC ‘Bionaftusia’,
Kyiv, Ukraine
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Raksha-Slyusareva, O. A.,
Slyusarev, O. A., Tarasova, I. A.,
Boyeva, S. S. and Ostapenko, V. М.
(2018) ‘The effect of food additive ‘Aquacarotin’
on main physiological body parameters in model experiments on animals’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety, 4(1), pp. 28–32.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Raksha-Slyusareva, O. A.,
Slyusarev, O. A., Tarasova, I. A.,
Boyeva, S. S. and Ostapenko, V. М.
(2018) ‘The effect of food additive ‘Aquacarotin’
on main physiological body parameters in model experiments on animals’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety. [Online] 4(1), pp. 28–32. Available at:
Summary. The purpose of the work was
to carry out experimental studies to determine the effectiveness of the
domestic vitamin complex — dietary food additives with biologically
active action (DFA BAA) ‘Aquacarotin’
(LLC ‘Bionaftusia’, Ukraine),
which contains 2% of water-soluble β-carotene (provitamin A)
in combination with water soluble vitamin E and vitamin C on
physiological body parameters, such as body weight, body weight gain, and
peripheral blood parameters. The research was conducted on 60 males of
white non-breeding rats that had not reached the age of puberty, and achieved
it in the process of research. The rats were grouped
into control and main groups of 30 individuals in each group. The main
group of animals received DFA BAA ‘Aquacarotin’ during 3 weeks in addition to main
ration, and the control group of animals were kept on
a standard rat diet. The influence of DFA BAA ‘Aquacarotin’ on organism systems was
evaluated with body weight, body weight gain, and peripheral blood leukogram indices. The obtained data shows positive
influence of DFA BAA ‘Aquacarotin’
on such physiological parameters as body weight, body weight gain, and
hematopoiesis reflected by the peripheral blood indices. Biological activity in
DFA BAA ‘Aquacarotin’
on body weight appears as its significant and accelerated gaining, and body
weight increases directly in the process of growth. Active body weight gaining
terminated when DFA BAA ‘Aquacarotin’ was stopped
to use. It is valuable that after termination of food additives’ introduction
to animals’ ration, the growth of their body weight slowed down and
normalized, thus, it did not continue by itself, which further proves the
controllability of the DFA effect, and makes it safe
for consumption. DFA BAA ‘Aquacarotin’
impacts on myelocytic and monocytic
leukopoiesis more significantly, which affects
increasing of the neutrophil pool, and probably increases the pool of eosinophilic granulocytes and monocytes in peripheral blood
stream while increasing of lymphopoiesis. Therefore, DFA BAA ‘Aquacarotin’
is controllable and therefore safe in regard of its effect on physiological
parameters, animals’ body weight gaining during growth, as well as
peripheral blood parameters. The use of DFA BAA
‘Aquacarotin’ is beneficial for improving
physiological body parameters (rapid increase in body weight), especially in
the stage of growth. DFA BAA ‘Aquacarotin’ activates the myelocytic
and monocytic leukopoiesis,
which appears in increasing of macro- and microphage pool, as well as
enhancement of their functional activity. The obtained data can be interesting
and useful in medicine, agriculture, military affairs and nutrition
Keywords: vitamins A, E and C, dietary food
additive ‘Aquacarotin’, body weight, body
weight gain, white blood cells, peripheral blood leukogram
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