Issue 2
Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
4, Issue 2, June 2018, Page 43
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Sidamonidze K. 1, Ramishvili M. 1, Malania L. 1,
Zhgenti E. 1, Donduashvili M. 2, Nikolaishvili M. 2,
Vepkhvadze N. 2, Kokhreidze M. 2, Avaliani L. 3,
Imnadze P. 1
1 National Center for Disease Control and Public
Health, Tbilisi, Georgia, e-mail:,
2 Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture,
Tbilisi, Georgia
3 National Food Agency, Tbilisi, Georgia
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Sidamonidze, K.,
Ramishvili, M., Malania, L.,
Zhgenti, E., Donduashvili, M.,
Nikolaishvili, M., Vepkhvadze, N.,
Kokhreidze, M., Avaliani, L.
and Imnadze, P. (2018) ‘Molecular
techniques for diagnosis and control of human and animal Brucella isolates from
Georgia’, Journal for
Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 4(2), p. 43.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Sidamonidze, K.,
Ramishvili, M., Malania, L.,
Zhgenti, E., Donduashvili, M.,
Nikolaishvili, M., Vepkhvadze, N.,
Kokhreidze, M., Avaliani, L.
and Imnadze, P. (2018) ‘Molecular
techniques for diagnosis and control of human and animal Brucella isolates from
Georgia’, Journal for
Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 4(2),
p. 43. Available at:
is an ancient and highly contagious zoonotic disease caused by the genus Brucella that
remains to be a major public and animal health problem in Georgia and is considered one of the most important health disorders
spread worldwide. The leading institutions conducting surveillance on
brucellosis in Georgia are the National Center for Disease Control and Public
Health under the Ministry of Health. the Laboratory of
the Ministry of Agriculture, and the National Food Agency under the Ministry of
The aim
of this study was evaluation of implemented molecular diagnostic tests for the
assessment of animal and human cases of brucellosis in Georgia.
from human blood and ruminant milk or blood suspected as Brucella by microbiological,
biochemical and serological testing were confirmed by
real-time PCR (Brucella T1, Biofire
Technology). Species identity of Brucella cultures were confirmed and typed by conventional AMOS PCR,
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) assays and later
‘Bruce-ladder’ assay. A multi-locus variable number tandem
repeat analysis (MLVA) approach was
applied for providing valuable information for epidemiological
AMOS PCR supported biochemical test results for 72 Brucella melitensis and
four Brucella abortus strains, but not for 39 suspected B. abortus
human and animal isolates. SNP typing of all
115 isolates supported the AMOS PCR results, but
also confirmed suspected B. abortus species of the 39 strains not amplified by
AMOS PCR. Above-mentioned Brucella strains were confirmed
later also by ‘Bruce-ladder’ assay. In the present study, for the
first time we have studied the genetic variability of 115 strains obtained
in Georgia. Genotypes were revealed by a MLVA‑15 approach with good subspecies discriminatory
capabilities providing valuable information for epidemiological investigations
and obtained data were utilized for construction of the phylogenic tree using Bionumerics Software version 6.1.
of the molecular-genetic research first have confirmed the existence of B. melitensis
and B. abortus
strains circulating in humans and animals in Georgia. Basing on our results of
molecular-genetic researches, we can suppose, that B. abortus 3, 5, 6 and/or 9 biovars are more frequently
spread, than B. abortus
1, 2 and 4 in Georgia. Thus, we can say, that application of AMOS PCR method is limited in our country. Species-specific SNP typing and ‘Bruce-ladder’ assays resolved
the difficulties caused by limitations of AMOS PCR to
recognize all biovars of B. abortus. Obtained results suggest
that diversity of Brucella strains in Georgia is greater than
captured in this study and it needs continuation of a
large-scale molecular-biological researches in this direction.
Establishment and application of MLVA genotyping will
serve invaluably to track the source of infection in case of bioterrorism or
outbreak in Georgia or in surrounding areas. Thus, implementation of
sustainable set of assays and a ‘One Health’ approach resulted in a
more effective monitoring system for both human and animal brucellosis in
Keywords: animal brucellosis, B. melitensis, B. abortus.