Issue 2
Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
4, Issue 2, June 2018, Pages 37–41
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Ushkalov V. O.,
Novgorodova O. Yu.
Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of
Agricultural Products of the National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:,
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Ushkalov, V. O.
and Novgorodova, O. Yu. (2018) ‘Development directions
of laboratory infrastructure supply in agricultural production’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety, 4(2), pp. 37–41.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Ushkalov, V. O.
and Novgorodova, O. Yu. (2018) ‘Development directions
of laboratory infrastructure supply in agricultural production’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety. [Online] 4(2), pp. 37–41. Available at:
Summary. The results of the Ukrainian Laboratory of
Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products testing activity analysis was carried out. The normative documents on the
accreditation of laboratories and international recommendations concerning the
rational use of standardized biological material in the testing activity are analyzed. The optimizing expediency of biological
material collections functioning in scientific institutions is
substantiated. The conducted analysis testifies the creation expediency
of the national bioresource center, which unites (informationally) all
functioning collections of biological material in order to increase the
efficiency of their innovative potential. Not a high level of competitiveness
of domestic agricultural products on the world market indicates the need not to
ensure proper control of the quality and safety of not only finished products,
but also all technological processes in its production. Ukrainian Laboratory of
Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products of the National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences is accredited in accordance
with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 for defining more than
370 indicators of quality and safety. Selection of samples (water, soil,
grain, seeds, forage, fertilizers, pesticides, biological preparations, eggs,
oils and fats, crop production, livestock, food products and food additives,
etc.) for testing, conducting analytical studies and obtaining results are carried out accordingly, the documents regulating the
order of work. They analyzed the results obtained in 2014–2017, as well
as data on accreditation requirements and the technical competence of
laboratories. An important direction in improving the efficiency of laboratory
support for the production of agrarian sector of the economy is the
organization of the proper functioning of biological resource centers. The
scope of accreditation of the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of
Agricultural Products involves the use of a range of standardized biological
material. That is, the actual task is to create a unit to maintain a collection
of biological materials used in experimental and scientific activities. The
results of the analysis testify to the expediency of creating a nation-wide
bioresource center that will unite (informationally) all functioning
collections of biological material with the aim of increasing the efficiency of
using their innovative potential.
Keywords: agricultural products, biological material,
collections, normative documents
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