Issue 3
Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
4, Issue 3, September 2018, Pages 20–23
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Bobrytska O. M. 1,
Karpovskyi V. I. 2, Yuhai K. D. 1,
Vodopianova L. A. 1
1 Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy, Kharkiv,
Ukraine, e-mail:
2 National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Bobrytska, O. M.,
Karpovskyi, V. I., Yuhai, K. D. and
Vodopianova, L. A. (2018) ‘Correction of the functional state
of the blood oxygenation system in dogs by bioresonance method’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety, 4(3), pp. 20–23.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Bobrytska, O. M.,
Karpovskyi, V. I., Yuhai, K. D. and
Vodopianova, L. A. (2018) ‘Correction of the functional state
of the blood oxygenation system in dogs by bioresonance method’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety. [Online] 4(3), pp. 20–23. Available at:
Summary. The aim of the research was to justification
of the peculiarities of the functioning and correction of the system of
oxygenation of blood of dog organism by bioresonance method using the
‘PARKES‑L’ device. The experiment was
conducted on 20 dogs of different breeds aged 3 to 5 years and
with a weight of 9–30 kg. For the experiment, four groups of animals
(control and three experimental) were formed. Animals
of the control and 1st experimental
groups were characterized by physiological indicators of the oxygen-transport
function of the blood. In animals of the 2nd
and 3rd experimental groups, laboratory tests have shown a
decrease in the abovementioned blood function. Physical
therapy complex ‘PARKES‑L’ was used to correct the functional
state of the blood oxygenation system in dogs of the 1st and 3rd experimental
groups, the working range of electromagnetic radiation frequencies ranging from
0.1 Hz to 30 Hz. Materials for research were blood samples of
dogs obtained from the surface vein of the forearm, before correction, and two
and five days after the beginning of the correction of the functional state of
the oxygen-transport function of the blood. The effectiveness of the
bioresonance method of correction of the functional state of the blood
oxygenation system in dogs has been established. In
particular, in dogs with a low functional state an increase in the number of
erythrocytes, hemoglobin content and the average content of hemoglobin in
erythrocyte as compared to the animals in the control group, which allows using
this method to improve the system of oxygenation of blood in dogs.
Keywords: dogs, blood oxygenation system, bioresonance,
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