Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
5, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 27–33
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Stegniy B. T. 1,
Paliy A. P. 1, Pavlichenko O. V. 2,
Muzyka D. V. 1, Tkachenko S. V. 1,
Usova L. P. 1
1 National
Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary
Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine, е-mail:
2 Kharkiv State
Zooveterinary Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Stegniy, B. T.,
Paliy, A. P., Pavlichenko, O. V., Muzyka, D. V.,
Tkachenko, S. V. and Usova, L. P. (2019) ‘Virucidal
properties of innovative disinfectant to Avian influenza virus and Newcastle
disease virus’, Journal
for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 5(3),
pp. 27–33.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Stegniy, B. T.,
Paliy, A. P., Pavlichenko, O. V., Muzyka, D. V.,
Tkachenko, S. V. and Usova, L. P. (2019) ‘Virucidal
properties of innovative disinfectant to Avian influenza virus and Newcastle
disease virus’, Journal
for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety.
[Online] 5(3), pp. 27–33. DOI: 10.36016/JVMBBS-2019-5-3-6.
Summary. The first and the main link in the system of
prevention of the occurrence and distribution of avian influenza and Newcastle
disease is monitoring and the effective prophylaxis of the above diseases. At
the same time the conducting of disinfection of the objects of veterinary
control is an important stage in the system of veterinary and sanitary
measures. A number of disinfectants that contain different classes of chemical
compounds as active substances have been developed and proposed for practical
use. The large-scale production of disinfectants and their introduction into
practice is impossible without the preliminary laboratory assessment of their
antimicrobial properties, the determination of the spectrum of their biocidal
effect and physical, chemical and toxicological properties. The aim of our work
was to study the virucidal properties of a new aldehyde disinfectant using the
test models of the viruses of Newcastle disease and avian influenza. The
experiments to study virucidal properties of the disinfectant regarding the
viruses of avian influenza and Newcastle disease have been carried out at the
Department for Avian Diseases Study of the National Scientific Center
‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’ in
accordance with the guidelines ‘Methods for determining and evaluating
the safety and quality of disinfectants and disinfecting detergents used in the
production, storage, transportation and sale of products of animal
origin’ (Kotsiumbas et al., 2010). The determination of the
virucidal properties of the disinfectant has been conducted in two stages:
stage 1 — the determination of the virucidal activity of the
product by the suspension method; stage 2 — determination of
the virucidal activity of the product on test objects. As a result of the
research conducted by the suspension method the presence of the virucidal
properties of the innovative disinfectant (the mixture of quaternary ammonium
compounds — 25%, glutar aldehyde — 11%, isopropanol,
non-ionic surfactants) for the viruses of avian influenza and Newcastle disease
has been determined. It has been found that the above preparation completely
inactivated the infective properties of viruses when used in the concentration
of 0.1%, with the interval of 30 minutes and in the concentration of
0.5% — 15-minute interval. It has been proved that the use of the
disinfectant in 0.1% concentration for 30 minutes disinfected the test
objects (wood, metal, tile, textile) that were contaminated by the pathogenic
agents of avian influenza and Newcastle disease
Keywords: disinfectant, virus, virucidal properties,
test object, chick embryos, concentration, exposition
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