Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
6, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 25–30
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
О. Т., Orobchenko О. L., Koreneva Yu. M.
National Scientific
Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’,
Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Kutsan, О. Т., Orobchenko,
О. L. and Koreneva, Yu. M. (2020) ‘The quality and safety of eggs
obtained from laying hens after their experimental poisoning with sodium
bromide’, Journal for
Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 6(1), pp. 25–30.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Kutsan, О. Т., Orobchenko,
О. L. and Koreneva, Yu. M. (2020) ‘The quality and safety of eggs
obtained from laying hens after their experimental poisoning with sodium
bromide’, Journal for
Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 6(1),
pp. 25–30. DOI: 10.36016/JVMBBS-2020-6-1-5.
Summary. The purpose of this
study was to determine the quality and safety of eggs obtained from laying hens
after their experimental poisoning with sodium bromide. According to the
principle of analogues, three experimental and one control group of laying hens
(n = 15) were formed. The background bromine content of the compound
feed was 2.0 mg/kg. An aqueous solution of sodium bromide was added daily
to the feed of the chickens of the experimental groups for 28 days,
followed by the observation of the birds for 14 days without its addition.
Chickens of the 1st experimental group received bromine with
feed at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, 2nd — 50.0 mg/kg,
3rd — 250.0 mg/kg of feed. During the experiment,
eggs were collected daily, their quality was determined according to the requirements
of DSTU 5028:2008 ‘Hen’s Eggs for Human Consumption.
Specifications’ and the rules for the veterinary and sanitary examination
of poultry eggs. In addition, the bromine content was determined separately in
egg white, yolk, and shell. Bromine content was determined by X-ray
fluorescence analysis. Statistical processing of research results was
conducted. Under the conditions of the chronic experiment, clinical
manifestations of poisoning in chickens were not observed. No significant
deviation from the control group was observed in productivity, egg mass, white
to yolk mass ratios, and pH values of yolk and white. However, an uneven
distribution of the eggs by category was established. Starting from the 2nd day
of the experiment, bromine was excreted in laying hens with egg whites. The
maximum value was observed on the 18th–28th days
of the experiment: in the 1st experimental group a reliable
excess 2.5 times of bromine content relative to the control was observed;
in 2nd — 7.2 times, and in 3rd —
26.9 times. Thus, eggs from chickens of all groups conformed to DSTU 5028:2008
and the rules for the veterinary and sanitary examination of poultry eggs.
However, the bromine content in the eggs of all experimental groups reliably
exceeded the reference value for 28 days when sodium bromide was received
with feed. Even 14 days after the experiment, the content of the element
reliably exceeded the control value in the eggs of chickens from the 2nd
and 3rd experimental groups, which may indicate the ability of bromine
to cumulate
Keywords: egg quality and safety, bromine, laying hens,
sodium bromide
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