Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
9, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 20–26
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Chornyi M. V. 1,
Stegniy B. Т. 1, Vovk D. V. 1,
Sazonenko S. M. 1, Kozyr V. S. 2,
Mylostyvyi R. V. 3, Voroniak V. V. 4
1 National
Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary
Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 Institute of
Grain Crops of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
3 Dnipro State
Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine
4 Stepan
Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of
Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Chornyi, M. V.,
Stegniy, B. Т., Vovk, D. V., Sazonenko, S. M.,
Kozyr, V. S., Mylostyvyi, R. V. and Voroniak, V. V.
(2023) ‘Morphological and biochemical parameters of blood and quality of
meat obtained from pigs with different stress resistance’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety, 9(4), pp. 20–26.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Chornyi, M. V.,
Stegniy, B. Т., Vovk, D. V., Sazonenko, S. M.,
Kozyr, V. S., Mylostyvyi, R. V. and Voroniak, V. V.
(2023) ‘Morphological and biochemical parameters of blood and quality of
meat obtained from pigs with different stress resistance’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety. [Online] 9(4), pp. 20–26. DOI: 10.36016/JVMBBS-2023-9-4-4.
Summary. The
results of the experiments were used to evaluate the
morphological and protein composition of blood, as well as the quality of meat
from pigs of different stress resistance. The studies were
carried out under the conditions of PJSC ‘Stepovyi’ in
Zaporizhzhia Region on Large White (LW) pigs and Large White/Charcoal Landrace (LWCL)
crossbreeds. During the study period, the hygienic conditions of keeping,
feeding and watering of the animals, their growth and development, clinical
condition and morbidity were evaluated. After reaching
a live weight of 100 kg, the pork meat quality (pH, moisture content,
oxyproline, tryptophan) of slaughtered animals was
studied. It was found that the LW genotypes were superior to the local
LWCL by the number of leukocytes in passively resistant (PR)
animals — by 2.7%, in stress resistant (SR) animals — by
3.15%, and in stress sensitive (SS) animals they were
inferior by this indicator by 7.7%. There was no significant difference in
erythrocyte content between SR and SS, but erythrocyte content was 8.53% lower
in PR. The concentration of hemoglobin was higher in PR animals of the Large
White cross. The latter were superior to LW in terms of total protein:
PR — by 2.26%, SR — by 1.9%, in terms of
albumin — PR had an advantage of 16.6%, SR — by 7.69% (p < 0.05).
Gamma globulin content was 6.44% lower in SS animals. They were superior
to LW in terms of live weight: PR — by 14% at one month of age; by
4.2% at four months of age, SR — by 6.2%, but the difference between
SR and SS was not significant. PR animals of the Large White breed were
superior in terms of hemoglobin content. The level of total protein in blood
serum was higher in crossbred genotypes: in PR — by 2.26%, in
SR — by 1.9%. The concentration of albumin was higher in the
crossbred animals than in the LW: PR — by 16.6%, SR — by
7.69%, and the level of gamma globulins was 6.51% lower in the SS. In terms of
live weight, crossbred genotypes outperformed LW: passive resistant
genotypes — by 14% at one month of age, stress resistant
genotypes — by 6.2% and 4.2% at four months of age. The crossbred
genotypes reached 100 kg live weight: PR — at 180 days,
SR — at 183 days, SS — at 191 days, which is 4,
5, and 12 days earlier than LW, respectively. In crossbred pigs, the
positive correlation for thoracic girth was 0.6942 and 0.8310, and for withers
height — 0.6643 and 0.6811. In terms of body length, animals of the
crossbred genotype were superior to LW: PR by 4.2%, SR by 1.46%, while the
difference in chest girth and body length in SS individuals was not
significant. Lung weight was 0.84% higher in PR and 3.7% higher in SR, and
kidney weight was 9.8% higher in PR, 6.56% higher in SR, and 1.37% lower in SS.
LW animals were superior in heart weight. Behavioral responses (fighting,
skirmishing) were more pronounced in the crossed
genotypes, especially in SR and SS animals. A higher level of tryptophan was found in the meat of SR crossbred animals,
oxyproline — in PR and SR, pH of meat — in Large White PR
and SR ranged from 5.61 to 5.72 units, in crossbred animals this indicator did
not exceed the values of 5.03–5.21 units. Defects in meat with PSE
(pale, soft, exudative) signs of LW were found: in PR — 0.4%,
SR — 0.63%, SS — 3.7%, and in LWCL
respectively — 2.3%, SR — 2.1%, SS — 4.21%, in
local — defects in meat with DFD (dark, firm, dry) signs were
manifested in 3.1%, 2.15%, and 5.1%
Keywords: meat defects, PSE,
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