Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety

Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2024, Pages 22–28

ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388 (online version)


Gorbatenko S. K., Biloivan O. V., Kovalenko L. V., Paliy A. P., Korneykova O. B., Didyk T. B., Kuznetsova O. V., Myagkykh N. V., Bryl N. F.

National Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

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Citation for print version: Gorbatenko, S. K., Biloivan, O. V., Kovalenko, L. V., Paliy, A. P., Korneykova, O. B., Didyk, T. B., Kuznetsova, O. V., Myagkykh, N. V. and Bryl, N. F. (2024) ‘On the issue of prevention and eradication of minor viral bovine diseases in Ukraine’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 10(3), pp. 22–28.

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Citation for online version: Gorbatenko, S. K., Biloivan, O. V., Kovalenko, L. V., Paliy, A. P., Korneykova, O. B., Didyk, T. B., Kuznetsova, O. V., Myagkykh, N. V. and Bryl, N. F. (2024) ‘On the issue of prevention and eradication of minor viral bovine diseases in Ukraine’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 10(3), pp. 22–28. DOI: 10.36016/JVMBBS-2024-10-3-4.

Summary. The study aimed to evaluate the epizootic status of livestock in Ukraine concerning the prevalence of bovine immunodeficiency virus and bovine foamy virus infections. A literature review was conducted to analyze the epizootic status of livestock farming in various countries regarding bovine immunodeficiency and spumavirus infections. To investigate this issue in Ukrainian livestock, blood samples were collected from 10–15 cows with further DNA extraction and studies via PCR, according to the developers’ recommendations. The biological characteristics of bovine foamy virus and bovine immunodeficiency virus were studied by infecting bovine fetal lung (LEK) and calf coronary vessels (KST) cell cultures, with each passage being visually monitored and examined through light microscopy. PCR was performed on the third and fifth passages to detect the genetic material. The genetic material of bovine leukemia virus, bovine immunodeficiency virus, and bovine foamy virus was confirmed in 12 farms across 8 regions of Ukraine. It was demonstrated that bovine immunodeficiency virus and bovine foamy virus can integrate into homologous cell cultures derived from cattle. The immunosuppressive effects of bovine foamy virus and its capability to inhibit components of the non-specific immune system were established on laboratory animal models. Emphasis is placed on the necessity to develop domestic tools for the retrospective diagnosis of bovine immunodeficiency and spumavirus infections and to implement a national anti-epizootic program

Keywords: bovine leukosis, bovine immunodeficiency, bovine spumavirus infection, PCR, immunosuppression, national anti-epizootic program


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