Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety

Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2024, Pages 40–45

ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388 (online version)


Hadzevych D. V.

National Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

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Citation for print version: Hadzevych, D. V. (2024) ‘Bacteriological studies of probe swabs with nasopharyngeal secretions from canines diagnosed with Bordetellosis’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 10(4), pp. 40–45.

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Citation for online version: Hadzevych, D. V. (2024) ‘Bacteriological studies of probe swabs with nasopharyngeal secretions from canines diagnosed with Bordetellosis’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 10(4), pp. 40–45. DOI: 10.36016/JVMBBS-2024-10-4-6.

Summary. At the present work was developed the greatest effectiveness of bacteriological investigations and detection of clinical isolates of Bordetella bronchiseptica from nasopharyngeal secretions was observed when the casein-charcoal agar (CCA) was frozen with 5% blood and cephalexin. Thus, during the first trial and sampling of animals, 12 (66.67%) positive results were recovered, and with repeated sampling and sampling of animals after 24 h and 48 h, 15 (83.33%) positive results were recovered from the total number of animals with bordetheliosis based on the results of PCR. The addition of cephalexin in the form of a selective component in nutrient media allows increasing the effectiveness and speed of bacteriological investigations by 2–4 doses per month, suppressing the growth of third-party nasopharyngeal microflora. This is a simple vision of pure culture. Repeated sampling and sampling of nasopharyngeal secretions from sick animals at a short interval of 24 h and 48 h allows us to obtain 16.66% more positive results from clinical isolates of B. bronchiseptica using the bacteriological method of investigation

Keywords: Bordetella bronchiseptica, tracheobronchitis, canine infectious respiratory disease complex


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