Issue 4

Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety

Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2018, Pages 19–28

ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388 (online version)


Shigimaga V. O. 1, Paliy And. P. 1, Pankova O. V. 1, Paliy Anat. P. 2

1 Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine, е-mail:

2 National Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine, е-mail:

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Citation for print version: Shigimaga, V. O., Paliy, And. P., Pankova, O. V. and Paliy, Anat. P. (2018) ‘Biophysical model of biological cell conductivity based on the membrane electroporation probability’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 4(4), pp. 19–28.

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Citation for online version: Shigimaga, V. O., Paliy, And. P., Pankova, O. V. and Paliy, Anat. P. (2018) ‘Biophysical model of biological cell conductivity based on the membrane electroporation probability’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 4(4), pp. 19–28. Available at:

Summary. The membrane electroporation of a biological cell was well known as a convenient, multipurpose and universal way of temporarily increasing its permeability in a pulsed electric field (PEF) with certain parameters. The process and result of the membrane interaction with the PEF is greatly influenced by its heterogeneous biological structure, which has both native pores of various sizes and various protein inclusions. This leads to heterogeneity of the electrophysical properties. All this ultimately affects the cellular conduction in the PEF, which is both an indicator and an integral characteristic of the electroporation process of the membrane as a whole. This process can be modelled, considering the physical properties of the membrane and the cells, as conductors of the pulsed current. However, to consider in modelling all the features of the native structure of the membrane pores, as well as newly formed electropores as a result of interaction with the external PEF is impossible. However, if we apply a probabilistic approach to the formation of electropores, it becomes possible to construct an adequate model of electroporation. In this article is presented the developed biophysical (BP) model of cell conductivity, constructed on the basis of the electropores formation probability in a membrane under the influence of a pulse electric field (PEF). The model assumes that in membrane are formed electropores of different calibers, the distribution of which submits to normal Gauss’s law. The integral for the total conductivity of the electroporated membrane is obtained using the integral equation for the total current through the electropore membrane and the equation for its conductivity, including the formation of the electropore probability function. The general view of the electropore formation probability function is received by solution of Fokker-Planck’s differential equation. Substitution of this equation solution to conductivity integral gave the general view of the conductivity function connecting it with electropore caliber. A comparison of the constructed probability electroporation BP model with experimental data on mice oocyte conductivity showed that the main reason for exponential increase of cell conductivity in increasing electrical field strength is similar nature of conductivity increase with increasing electropore caliber up to membrane breakdown. The constructed probability BP model of cell conductivity at membrane electroporation in increasing PEF agrees with the experimental data.

Keywords: pulse electric field, increasing strength, electropore caliber, cell membrane, Gauss’s law, conductivity integral


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