Issue 3

Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety

Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages 10–13

ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388 (online version)

The impact of potential feed additive nanocomposite (Ag, Cu, Fe and Mn dioxide) on eggsquality parameters of laying hens compared with metal salts

Orobchenko O. L., Roman’ko M. Ye., Kutsan O. T.

National Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

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Citation for print version: Orobchenko, O. L., Roman’ko, M. Ye. and Kutsan, O. T. (2015) ‘The impact of potential feed additive nanocomposite (Ag, Cu, Fe and Mn dioxide) on eggs’ quality parameters of laying hens compared with metal salts’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 1(3), pp. 10–13.

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Citation for online version: Orobchenko, O. L., Roman’ko, M. Ye. and Kutsan, O. T. (2015) ‘The impact of potential feed additive nanocomposite (Ag, Cu, Fe and Mn dioxide) on eggs’ quality parameters of laying hens compared with metal salts’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 1(3), pp. 10–13. Available at:

Summary. The purpose is to study veterinary-sanitary characteristics of laying hens’ egg quality under the conditions of influence of nanocomposite (Ag, Cu, Fe and Mn dioxide) (NcMe) and metal salts in the conditions of chronic toxicological experiment. Methods. The research was conducted on 72 laying hens cross Hayseks Brown (4 groups were formed: one control and three experimental n=18). Chickens from control group in addition were administered saline with feed; experimental chickens were given feed additives every day for 30 days: group І — a mixture solution of metal salts at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg, group ІІnanocomposite metals in its biotic dose (0.3 mg/kg body weight) and group III — NcMe in toxic dose (4.0 mg/kg body weight), after cessation of additives administration the poultry was observed for 15 days. During the experiment there was conducted eggs’ record from experimental poultry, and their veterinary-sanitary examination was carried out. The data on the impact NcMe and metal salts on productivity of laying hens and veterinary-sanitary characteristics of eggs’ quality was obtained. Introduction of NcMe with feed affect quantity and quality characteristics of laying hens productivity, predominating the effect of salts of the metals, that is characterized by increased levels of egg laying during the experiment in poultry from the third group in average by 36.1% and egg weight in the second experimental group — 24.7% (P≤0.05) and changes in pH level of egg white and yolk, but within the normative values (in accordance with DSTU 5028:2008 ‘Hen’s eggs for human consumption. Specifications’).

Keywords: laying hens, nanocomposite metals, metal salts, dose, veterinary and sanitary examination, eggs, productivity


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