Guidelines for the preparation of the papers submitted for publication at the ‘Journal for Veterinary Medicine, biotechnology and Biosafety’

  1. Papers must be submitted in an electronic variant and should be sent directly to the editorial board at or with subject 'Article in JVMBBS'
  2. Papers must be written in English
  3. Authors make sure there are no typographical errors in the manuscript
  4. Papers must be presented in Word format, in an A4 layout, using Times New Roman 14 point font, which should be single-spaced with 25 mm margins
  5. Tables and illustrations must be must be submitted as separate files and inserted in the text
  6. Papers must be assembled in the following order:
    1. UDC code
    2. Title of the article
    3. Surname and initials of the author(s)
    4. Name of organization, city, country, and e-mail address of corresponding author
    5. Summary in English (between 200 to 300 words), which should be included: the aim of the work, materials and methods, the results of the work, conclusions
    6. Keywords (up to 8)
    7. Text of the article in the following order: introduction (include brief literature review, actuality, and aim of the work), materials and methods, the results of the work, conclusions, acknowledgements, references
  7. References and citation must be formatted according to the ‘Harvard – Cite Them Right 9th or 10th eds.’ style only (use examples at examples; or one of online reference generators as; or one of reference management software as Zotero) with completed list of authors, the full name of the journal, and DOI or direct link to the publication (if available)
  8. References and citation on papers published in non-Latin alphabet languages should be translated into English (or taken from the English summary of the articles) and transliterated into the Latin alphabet from original languages (for Ukrainian use KMU 2010 system at and for Russian use BGN system at Transliterated text must be placed in square brackets. For example: Gerilovich, A., Bolotin, V., Rudova, N., Sapko, S. and Solodyankin, A. (2011) ‘Etiological structure of circovirus-associated diseases of pigs in the Eastern region of Ukraine’ [Etiolohichna struktura tsyrkovirus-asotsiiovanykh khvorob svynei v hospodarstvakh Skhidnoho rehionu Ukrainy], News of Agrarian Sciences [Visnyk ahrarnoi nauky], 1, pp. 34–36. [in Ukrainian]