Issue 1

Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety

Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2017, Pages 21–25

ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388 (online version)


Vasetska A. I., Mass A. A.

Luhansk National Agrarian University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

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Citation for print version: Vasetska, A. I. and Mass, A. A. (2017) ‘The use of hormone containing contraceptive drugs and their effects on the reproductive system of dogs and cats’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 3(1), pp. 21–25.

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Citation for online version: Vasetska, A. I. and Mass, A. A. (2017) ‘The use of hormone containing contraceptive drugs and their effects on the reproductive system of dogs and cats’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 3(1), pp. 21–25. Available at:

Summary. The article presents the research results as to the negative impact of the usage of progestin hormonal contraceptive drugs on the reproductive system in clinically healthy cats and dogs and in the emergence of this pathology at different methods of application. During the research 243 cats and 134 dogs were examined, four research groups of healthy cats and dogs aged from 1.5 to 5 years were selected and formed for studies. All groups of animals were prescribed oral hormone containing contraceptive drugs with active ingredient megestrol acetate. Groups were formed according to the common animal owners asked oral hormonal contraceptive for the suppression of sexual function in cats and dogs. Medicaments were prescribed to the experimental animals within 2 years. It was proved that the best way to use progestogenic drugs for cats and dogs is a period of about 7–15 days before the estrus. The changes that have occurred are reversible in the reproductive system. In the appointment of contraceptives at the time of proestrus increases the probability of disease of the reproductive system in cats and dogs. When using the direct drugs for interrupting the heat in cats and dogs, especially in a dose at 2–6 times exceeded, it could lead to irreversible damage of the reproductive system in most animals.

Keywords: cat, dog, birth control pills, megestrol acetate, uterine hyperplasia, pyometra, polycystic ovaries, estrus, reproductive system


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