Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety

Volume 9, Issue 1–2, June 2023, Pages 3–7

ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388 (online version)


Hadzevych O. V.

National Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

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Citation for print version: Hadzevych, O. V. (2023) ‘Formation of intestinal bacteriocenosis in calves associated with bacterial insemination of the uterine canal in high-yielding cows’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 9(1–2), pp. 3–7.

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Citation for online version: Hadzevych, O. V. (2023) ‘Formation of intestinal bacteriocenosis in calves associated with bacterial insemination of the uterine canal in high-yielding cows’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 9(1–2), pp. 3–7. DOI: 10.36016/JVMBBS-2023-9-1-2-1.

Summary. The article provides information on the microbiota composition in the vaginal secretions of cows during the dry period, specifically 30–15 days before calving. The article discusses how endometritis affects the qualitative and quantitative composition of the conditionally pathogenic microflora, as well as how dysbiotic microbiota disorders in the birth canal impact the development of gastrointestinal diseases in calves. The study results establish the quantitative limits of the conditionally pathogenic microbiota, which requires correction when exceeded. When cows have dysbiotic changes, there is an increase in the number of certain microorganisms in their vaginal swabs. Specifically, the number of Escherichia coli, sulfite-producing clostridia, and saprophytic microorganisms of the genus Bacillus goes beyond 6.0 ± 0.1 lg CFU/cm3, while staphylococci and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida exceed 5.9 ± 0.1 lg CFU/cm3. Additionally, calves born to cows with dysbiotic disorders of vaginal secretion had dysbiotic disorders in the gastrointestinal tract in 86.1% of cases. In these cases, the number of lactobacilli was not higher than 4.8 ± 0.1 lg CFU/cm3, bifidobacteria — 4.7 ± 0.1 lg CFU/cm3. The number of Escherichia coli exceeded 4.6 ± 0.1 lg CFU/cm3, which in 48.4% of cases resulted in the development of diarrhea of varying severity

Keywords: microbiota, dysbiosis, normal intestinal microflora, normal vaginal flora


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