Issue 4
Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
3, Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 23–27
ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388
(online version)
Romanchenko M. A., Kundenko M. P., Sanin Yu. K.
and Scientific Institute of Power
Engineering and Computer Technologies of the Kharkiv
Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture,
Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
PDF (print version)
Citation for print version: Romanchenko, M. A.,
Kundenko, M. P. and Sanin, Yu. K. (2017) ‘Application of nonmedicamentous biologically harmless electrotechnologies and their implementation for Varroosis control
in honey bees’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety, 3(4), pp. 23–27.
PDF (online version)
Citation for online version: Romanchenko, M. A.,
Kundenko, M. P. and Sanin, Yu. K. (2017) ‘Application of nonmedicamentous biologically harmless electrotechnologies and their implementation for Varroosis control
in honey bees’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and
Biosafety. [Online] 3(4), pp. 23–27. Available at:
Summary. The aim of
the work was to study
the development of biologically harmless methods for controlling bee varroosis and
optimization of geometric parameters of their means
of implementation in order to
increase the efficiency of honey
bee product manufacturing. This work shows the
results of analytical studies of the influence
of electromagnetic radiation of the
optical spectrum on bioobjects in
the UV range
(UVB, UVC) and in particular
on the pathogenic
microflora, the agents of various
invasive and infectious diseases in honey bees,
including varroosis. For the first
time, we obtained mathematical expressions that simulate the dependencies
of the electric
power and design characteristics of protective devices
that realize the operation of
the entrance block equipped with LED modules
of UV radiation
when powered from solar cells.
The manufacture of protective devices
with scientifically grounded parameters allows optimizing of the power
and quantity of UV-radiation LEDs, their placement
in the tunnel
of entrance block, to determine
the wavelength, exposure, as well
as the geometric
parameters of LPRS‑1 entrance block, which provides
the detrimental effect of UV
radiation on the physiological functions of the
Varroa mites. In addition,
the application of entrance block
for beehive provides sanitation of bees from
varroosis without disrupting their natural rhythm of life, preventing
the premature first cleansing flight of bee
colony at unfavorable temperature conditions. This is due to
the elongation of the path
of bees from
the hive’s hole to the
exit from the tunnel of
the entrance block formed by
the upper and lower grids
and the effect
of ascending airflows, which enables the bees
to adapt to the meteorological
conditions and feel the low
temperature of the outside air
and return to the hive.
In addition, the study of
the proposed entrance block showed its functional
ability to prevent the penetration
of robber bees, wasps, hornets,
and rodents to the hive
due to the
presence of a tunnel with calibrated
inner air spaces. This creates
conditions for restricting their direct access to
the entrance of the hive,
from where they smell the
appealing odor of honey. The
created device allows to prevent
the infection of healthy bee
colonies by due to the
exclusion of the possibility of penetration into the entrance
block of the hive of
infected robber bees due to
the presence of lattice tunnel,
the inner surface of which
is irradiated by sources of
electromagnetic radiation of the optical
range of the ultraviolet spectrum (LEDs). In this case,
we observed the decreasing of bee colony
biopotential as a result of the
impossibility of attacking by its
enemies (tits, jays, woodpeckers, etc.) due to
the presence of limited space,
formed around the entrance of
the hive by a tunnel, bottom
board and protective shield, that avoids direct
contact of bees with their
pests and enemies. The practical
application of the entrance block
provides protection against the take-off
of bee colony
and uncontrolled leave of swarm
due to the
presence of calibrated exit from the tunnel,
which makes it impossible to
leave of queen-bee with swarm or while
taking-off by bee colony. Thus,
the installation of the protective
mean — multifunctional
device (the entrance box is
equipped with UV module powered
by light-emitting diodes from photocells)
allows to: (1) increase the efficiency
of environmentally safe production technologies of beekeeping products by preserving the
biopotential of bee colony and
its honey products; (2) introduce more widely non-medicated
biologically harmless technologies for the prevention and treatment of
varroosis through the application of innovative solutions
and means of their implementation
of integrated protection of bee
colonies during the production cycle, promoting the development of organic beekeeping,
subject to increased profitability of honey farms
and improvement of the production
culture in the industry.
Keywords: bees, bio-safe electrotechnologies, dose of irradiation, energy and resource-saving
technologies, erythematous flux, irradiation of bioobjects, photocells, radiation source, Varroa destructor, mites, ultraviolet radiation (UV range), wavelength
of the ultraviolet
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