Issue 4

Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety

Volume 3, Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 10–12

ISSN 2411-3174 (print version) ISSN 2411-0388 (online version)


Ivleva O. V. 1, Nalyvaiko L. I. 2

Luhansk National Agrarian University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail: 1, 2

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Citation for print version: Ivleva, O. V. and Nalyvaiko, L. I. (2017) ‘Epizootological study concerning associative (mixed) metapneumoviral infection with viral-bacterial microflora in private poultry farms’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety, 3(4), pp. 10–12.

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Citation for online version: Ivleva, O. V. and Nalyvaiko, L. I. (2017) ‘Epizootological study concerning associative (mixed) metapneumoviral infection with viral-bacterial microflora in private poultry farms’, Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. [Online] 3(4), pp. 10–12. Available at:

Summary. The first reports of respiratory diseases with swollen head syndrome SHS in laying hens were made in South Africa in 1978. The etiological factor of this disease was finally proved by the scientists only in 1987. It turned out to be a virus belonging to Paramyxoviridae family, the Pneumovirus (Metapneumovirus) genus. Chickens and turkeys of different ages suffer from Metapneumovirus infection (MPVI). The infection might reach 100% of the susceptible livestock population on poultry farm, with a mortality rate of 2–5%. Clinical features of MPVI are not pathognomonic. The cases of asymptomatic course of the disease in wild birds and poultry were described. According to literature data, retroviral and metapneumoviral infections, mycoplasmosis, colibacteriosis, both independently and in association, are particularly dangerous for the poultry, which complicates the clinical onset of the disease and the epizootic situation in certain regions. As for Ukraine, such studies have not been conducted. The aim of our research has been to make the epizootic monitoring on poultry farms of different forms of ownership to study MPVI flow on the background of viral and bacterial microflora, using the modern research methods. 9-day-old chicken embryos, free from specific antibodies to MPVI and Reovirus and 6-day-old quail embryos served as the materials for the research. Molecular-genetic (PCR) and serological (indirect hemagglutination test and ELISA), virological and bacteriological research have been performed in accordance to generally accepted methods. The article presented the data of epizootological monitoring that has been carried out among the turkeys at 170-day-old of ‘Big‑8’ cross and geese at the age of 180–210 days of large grey breed on two private farms of Kharkiv region. Serological studies have established the associative flow of MPVI and Reovirus infection on the background of colibacillosis, pseudomonosis and staphylococcosis at the investigated species of poultry. Existence of Reovirus and Pneumovirus in diseased poultry has been confirmed by virological studies. The conclusion is that 100% of positive-reflex to Metapneumovirus and Reovirus infection have been found on private poultry households among the turkeys of ‘Big‑8’ cross and geese of large grey breeds at 170–210 days age, indicating their associated flow on the background of colibacillosis, pseudomonosis and staphylococcosis. The sensitivity of isolated culture to medicinal products is determined. Pathogenic disease — Reovirus have been isolated and identified from the seropositive reacted to the Reovirus infection.

Keywords: turkeys, geese, epizootological and clinical features, serological and virological investigations, Metapneumovirus, Reovirus, bacterial infections


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