
The ‘Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety’ is included in the list of scientific special serial publications of Ukraine that can publish the results of Ph.D. and Dr.Habil. theses in veterinary sciences (order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 241, March 9, 2016) and biological sciences (order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 515, May 16, 2016)

Materials approved for publication and to spread via the Internet by the Scientific Council of the National Scientific Center ‘Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine’

JVMBBS covered in the abstract and citation databases Google Scholar (scholar.google.com) and RISC (elibrary.ru)

Certificate of state registration: KB № 21398-11198P of June 25, 2015


Media ID in the Register of Subjects in the Field of Media: R30-03948